Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Legacy & History of Howard University

This week the class learned about the legacy and history of Howard University, presented by Dr. Benjamin. This presentation I found particularly interesting because prior to this lecture, I knew little about Howard's first beginning. I learned that the year Howard was founded, it was named after Civil War general Oliver Otis Howard, who was both the founder of the university and the commissoner of the Freedman's Bureau. Howard was founded for the purpose of liberal arts and medicine. Furthermore, the class learned of the story behind many of the buildings we enter or pass by everyday going to class. For instance, the infamous Administration Building, is named after the university's first president, Dr. Moredecai Wyatt Johnson. Dr. Benjamin then went on to explain the history behind the various dorms on and off campus. The dorm where I reside, Bethune Annex, is named after one of the greatest and most respected African-American educators, Mary McLeod Bethune. To know that this woman of color, overcame racism and prejudice to pave the way for other young women such as myself makes me honored to live in a place dedicated to her life and legacy. Dr. Benjamin's presentation as a whole, was a very enriching learning experience about the University and the legacy its educators and leaders have left behind. From this lecture, I gained a new sense of pride in calling myself a "Howard Bison." I know that with such a rich history in African-American leadership and success, that I have the inclination and the inspiration to suceed at Howard University and any other future endeavors.

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