Sunday, September 19, 2010

First Day of Freshman Seminar

The first day of class was not what I expected. When I thought of Freshman Seminar, I thought of a class that made students learn about the University's rules and history. Not at Howard University. Here, we are given the special opportunity to learn about OUR history and the rules and customs of our culture. I was plesantly suprised when I discovered that the content of this class would focus on African-American history because it is something that I am very intrested in. The professor explained how the class would be hosted by a range of intellectuals, all with the goal of helping us students understand the roots of our culture, how we came to be, and what we should strive to be. I think this will be a unique and engaging experience, and I am excited for all the new things I will learn about my people. I believe this class to be a special opportunity for me become more self-aware of who I am and take pride in my background. I am very thankful for this opportunity, and I know that this class is just one of many prospects of this prestigious University.

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