Sunday, November 14, 2010


The further we get into these presentations the deeper each topic gets. This past week’s group presented on the topic of cloning and whether or not we should be for it. They researched several laws and studies concerning the topic of cloning humans. I thought this was a peculiar topic because I never really thought about whether or not, we, as human beings, would consider accepting the practice of cloning. However based on this groups presentation there were attempts to get laws to approve of cloning but this have yet to happen. This topic was a wake-up call to me because sometimes I forget how much technology has advanced and how much more it will advance in the future. I never thought that there were would be a day, at least any time soon, where I would have to think about the possibilities of myself or others being cloned. This to me is very disturbing and I would agree with the faculty member they interviewed, who said that it was an act of God in a sense. I just think that this should be where the line is crossed. What’s the purpose of us being able to reproduce if scientists are just going to take a copy of our DNA and try to reproduce humans themselves? As our professor said after their presentation was given, this is something that we really should think about because technology is advancing rapidly and it’s only a matter when we will be faced with this issue.

-Ramona Williams

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