Thursday, October 14, 2010

Research & Methodology... As presented by Dr. Dana Williams

This past week's presentation by Dr. Dana Williams was basically a summary of everything we've done in Freshman Seminar thus far. She explained the purpose of Freshman Seminar as being a guide to help students become more independent and realize their true-self and potential to achieve great things not only at Howard, but elsewhere. She explained the purpose of the research we are to be doing in class with the Mbongi forms as a method to help us become more self-aware and informed on issues regarding our ancestors, our community, and our culture. The blogs we write every week are also used as a tool to measure how well retain the information being given to us. Dr. Williams then went on to discuss the research we will begin to conduct now that all lectures have been presented. She informed us on the various research methods we can use to assist us in developing a research question for our group, and creating a research design for our upcoming group projects. This lecture session was very informative because it outlined the course of Freshman Seminar and what we can expect out of it, as well as what is expected of us as students. This lecture session helped me gain a great deal of information regarding the research my group will need to begin and served as a guide to research methods I can use not only for this class, but for any other projects I have in other classes. Concisely, I thought Dr. Williams did an excellent job preparing the class for the weeks ahead, during which we will have to use the information she gave us to present our group projects to the class.

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